The Wedding Of
Dhevy & Pandu
Minggu, 24 Januari 2024
Tamu Undangan

The Wedding Of

Dhevy & Pandu



“Exalted is He who created all pairs – from what the earth grows and from themselves and from that which they do not know.”



Together with their families request the pleasure of your presence to
The Wedding Of

Dhevynthasari Prasetyo Putri, S.H.

Daughter of

Mr. Wahyu Prasetyo Wibowo, S.H., M.H.
Mrs. M. Anna Permawaty N


Yunas Pandu Satria, S.T.

Son Of

Mr. Kapten Arh. (Purn) Nasukri (Alm)
Mrs. Sri Wahyuni, A.Md.Kep.

Save The Date

Join us for a joyous celebration of love

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Akad Nikah

Sunday, October 27, 2024

08.00 AM

Auditorium Graha Widyatama
Universitas Jendral Soedirman


Sunday, October 27, 2024

12.15 PM

Auditorium Graha Widyatama
Universitas Jendral Soedirman

Love Story

September 4, 2020

The maiden sunrise of their courtship, they embrace the title of beloveds.

December 24, 2023

He knelt down for her, the betrothal of these souls was sealed.

October 27, 2024

Two intertwined souls setting their voyage. They’re getting married!


Wedding Gift

Your blessing is a very meaningful gift for us.
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Dhevynthasari Prasetyo Putri



Dhevynthasari Prasetyo Putri


Send Gifts

Recipient's name : Dhevynthasari Prasetyo Putri

Phone : 087736737676

Address : JL. P. Kemerdekaan 1/12 RT 05/RW 05 Purwokerto Kulon, Kab. Banyumas - 53141

Wedding Wish

Wedding Wish

Send some love to the bride and groom with your words of hope and prayers!

Happy wedding sist Dhevy dan suami... moga berlimpah berkah dan kebahagiaan.
Happy wedding sis Dhevy n husband..smg menjadi keluarga samawa aamiin yra...
Happy wedding Panduuu & Dhevy!!! InsyaAllah samawa 😇🥰 happy selalu kalian!!
Norma Formagamas
Happy wedding Dhevyn dan Suami, semoga bahagia selalu, langgeng dunia akhirat, samawa. Amin YRA
Aurel Djami
Happy Wedding Mas Pandu dan Istri ✨ Semoga jadi pasangan yang samawa, Amiiinn ✨
Masyaa Allah Finally Karang Pucung couple bersatu🫶🏻 Samawa pokoke
Nindya dan Cakra
Soo happyyy kedua temenku getting married, semoga samawa ya ges gek yo ojo tukaran ae plis 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Hananto Pramujari
Selamat ya. Semoga bahagia selalu sampai kakek dan nenek Segera punya momongan yg sehat pintar dan tentunya berguna bagi bangsa negara Indonesia. Aamin.
Selamat dan semangat panduu.. semoga lancar sampai hari H dan setelahnya.. jangan lupa kontak karangan bunga ya sebelum cuti 👌🏻
Ayu & Adit
Alhamdulillah akhirnyaa road to halal xixixi semoga lancar2 yah sampai hari H, dan semoga menjadi pasangan yg sakinnah, mawaddah, dan warrohmah. aamiin
Maria Astried
happy wedding sopanduu🥳🥳 lancar2 sampe hari H pandu dan dhevy😇
Happy wedding 💍

We’d be over the moon and so grateful if you could join us and share your blessings. Your warm presence mean the world to us—thank you!

The Lovebirds,

Dhevy & Pandu


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